Marianne J.

Ihre spezialisierten Personalberatung für den Gesundheitsbereich rund um Biotechnologie Medizintechnik, Pharma, Life Science und das Gesundheitswesen. Unser Team möchte Menschen und Unternehmen zusammenbringen, die die gleichen Ziele verfolgen und Werte vertreten. Xelentis unterstützt Ihr Unternehmen im Executive- und Expert Search und findet erstklassige Führungskräfte sowie Fachpersonal, die zu Ihrem Unternehmen passen und es voranbringen.

Your specialized personnel consultancy for the healthcare sector in the fields of biotechnology, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, life science and healthcare. Our team aims to bring people and companies together who share the same goals and values. Xelentis supports your company in executive and expert searches and finds first-class executives and specialists who fit your company and take it forward.

BESTMINDS, the Executive Search company in Freiburg, specialises in the life science / pharmaceutical / biotechnology and medical technology sectors as well as their suppliers and service providers.

I am looking for specialists and executives from all fields and disciplines. More than 20 years of experience in recruitment as well as extensive relevant industry knowledge are my expertise.

Senior Consultant
Brombergstraße 17a
+49 177 7468297

BioValley is a strong alliance, consolidated by a globally-recognisable name.