Become a member of BioValley Deutschland e.V.

Members of BioValley Deutschland e.V. can also utilise offers and activities offered by our BioValley partner organisations, BioValley Basel und BioValley France.

Companies, organisations or scientific institutions can attain membership for 150 Euro/year. This covers reduced rates for participation at the BioValley Companies Days plus inclusion of your company Logo and a short company description on our website. Participation at the regular´s table meetings and venues are free-of-charge. Registration for private individuals is 30 Euro/year.

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Become a member

You can finalise your membership directly online here and profit immediately from the services offered by Biovalley e.V.

I/We wish to become a member of BioValley Deutschland e.V.

SEPA-Direct debit

I/We allow BioValley Deutschland e.V. to automatically book payments from my/our account. In parallel, I/we shall authorise my/our bank to make these payments to BioValley Deutschland e.V.
Information: I/we can request return of total payment within 8 weeks of the first date of booking. The general conditions of my bank will apply.

Creditor Identification number BioValley Deutschland e.V: DE61ZZZ00000945203

By submit the form your declare your have read our legal notice zu. We shall not pass on any data to a third party and shall use your information only for the contact entry

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BioValley offers a variety of activities to bring together science and technology from universities, research institutes, large and small life science companies, as well as public facilities.