Activities of BioValley Deutschland e.V.

BioValley Deutschland e.V. offers its members and guests different event formats:

  1. The core activity of the BioValley events are the so-called BioValley Regulars Table seminars. In most cases, they take place in Freiburg and in the BioValley Meeting places in Lörrach.
    The concept of these events, which take place 8-10 times per year, is simple but successful. After short presentations of approx. 35 minutes from one or two companies, start-ups or scientific institutions, a discussion follows and finally a get-together with Baden wine rounds up the meetings.
  1. A further event highlight is the BioValley Companies Day, which takes place once a year, alternating with our partners in France and Switzerland in hosting the event.
    These BioValley Companies Days are one-day events based on the Elevator pitches principle. Approximately 30-36 Life Science Companies or scientific institutions present for maximally 8 minute presentations to a chosen public. Coffee breaks and a midday meal allow possibilities for communication and exchange of information.
  1. As partners of the Swiss (BioValley Basel) and Alsace biovalleys (BioValley France) our members can also participate in their events. BioValley France and BIO-PRO Baden-Württemberg organize the successful Meet and Match events in Strasburg, offering biotechnology and medical technology presentations combined with discussions and networking forums.
    BioValley Basel meetings include Matching BioTech Angels and Companies events, see:

Free event

BioValley Stammtisch Freiburg: CIBSS - Centre for Integrative Biological Signaling Studies

Wednesday, 06. March 2024 - 18:00
until 19:30

Vortrag 1: CIBSS - Centre for Integrative Biological Signaling Studies

Referent Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Driever, Mitglied des CIBSS-Sprecherteams: "Der Exzellenzcluster Centre for Integrative Biological Signaling Studies -  CIBSS: Kommunizieren in der Sprache des Lebens"

Vortrag 2: NEST Scientific Europe

Referent Dr Sivaraman Subraramaniam: „NEST Scientific Europe: Spezialisten für Zellkultur“

BioValley offers a variety of activities to bring together science and technology from universities, research institutes, large and small life science companies, as well as public facilities.