
25,00 € - 100,00 €


Tuesday, 09. May 2023 - 09:00
until 18:00

Aufgrund der großen Anfrage sind leider keine weiteren Plätze mehr frei.

For the eighth time since 2009, the BioValley Companies Day will take place on 9 May 2023, again at the SolarInfoCenter Freiburg, Emmy-Noether-Str.2: As always, it is an ideal platform for entrepreneurs to present themselves, acquire customers and cultivate networks.

Entrepreneurs, representatives of scientific institutions, listeners and visitors from the trinational BioValley region (Germany, Switzerland, France) who are interested in the topic of life science can visit the event and find out about the diversity of company culture, new companies, start-ups and developments and innovations in the BioValley on the Upper Rhine.

About 30 companies will introduce themselves in 10-minute presentations. Breaks in an informal atmosphere offer the opportunity to deepen contacts and also to develop and build networks with audience members.

The event format "BioValley Companies Day" has meanwhile established and proven itself as a trinational communication and information platform, both for participants presenting themselves and for audience members who would like to attend a compact information event.

Download our company profiles (PDF)

Invitation and registrationsheet (PDF)

Program of the BioValley Companies Day 2023

All prices are additionally subject to value added tax of 19%.

BioValley is a strong alliance, consolidated by a globally-recognisable name.